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Barche e Vesuvio
25 Feb

Naples B&B recommend you Corpore , at Science City in Naples

An exhibition not to be missed in Naples will open March 5, 2017 in Science City in Naples

Corporea a large new building, which will host the first major interactive museum in Italy and Europe

The Museum will be entirely dedicated to the human body and health.

Corporea  will be based on direct experience of the phenomena of

our body from visitors and will be fully interactive

and dedicated to human health and science and prevention.

The new building that will house Corporea  develops into a journey of about 5,000 square meters,

and will allow us to “enter” in an interactive way in the human body,

There will be the “systems” of the human body: circulatory, endocrine or digestive.

The paths of the visit of Corporea  will enable us to enhance our understanding

on the human body and biomedical sciences through a large interactive exhibition,

educational workshops, but also by carrying out educational activities,

meetings and information desks.

The contents of the exhibitions are available in Italian, English and Chinese

We can move as in a virtual tour through our body:

including arteries, heart and various installations we can discover the mechanisms that

govern the relationship between heart rate and blood pressure.

There will also be interactive games, and videos that explain what happens inside

us during various times of our lives.

It seems that Corporea  has already 180,000 visits reservations before it even open

to the public and this is a good news because this brand new building will rise

a few meters from the old palace burned in the fire of 2013.

In March also will open the largest 3D planetarium in Italy

If you will come to our Bed & Breakfast in Naples you will be very close to the Science City,

easily accessible.

We are waiting for you ….

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