Please read on your arrive, the rules in the book you will find in the room, if you want more informations about: ”Where to eat ” or ”What you must absolutely to see in Naples“.
Rules and norms of behavior
Chek in: it usually takes place between 2 pm and 7.30 pm and in any case it must be agreed at the time of booking, or at least two days in advance, in order to allow an adequate reception of our hospitality criterion. In the case of “late check in”, after 20.00 there is a surcharge of 20 € and in any case must be confirmed at the time of booking and verified our availability to carry out a “late check in”.
Chek out: The room must be checked out before the 11,00 am. After the 1 pm, we charge a further overnight staying.
The Room: the room is completely cleaned every day and for every new guest. Guests can leave their luggage in the room. The room must be left available no later than 11 am to be cleaned. After 11 am the room cannot be cleaned.
Parking: it’s in front of our building. It’s not ours but in convention. You will pay it directly there. Low cost.
The Kitchen: the use of kitchen is not available. It is forbidden to carry and eat foods in the rooms. You can take something outside ( like pizza ) and eat it in the living room, or in the terrace.
Music, Radio and Tv: music and radio and TV broadcasts are permitted into the rooms, but only at low volume. After 11 p.m. the silence is highly agreeable both in the rooms than in the living room, to respect other guests and understanding people.
Smooking: it’ forbidden to smoke inside the rooms and in the living room. You can smoke only on the terrace open air. Only blue and yellow room have the terrace. Anyway smokers guests will have collect cigarettes in special glasses,supplied from manager.
Breakfast: is a buffet self service and breakfast time is from 8,00 to 11 a.m. Fresh bread is available on request after 8,15 and on saturday and Sunday breakfast from 8,30 to 11,00 If you need to take breakfast in different times, you have to ask it the evening before, and, as far as possible, we will accommodate your request. Out of the time, you can take coffee with milk, or juice or tea. If you want ham or cheese or anything more, please ask us during booking, so we will have time to arrange it. If you want to take breakfast on the terrace ask the trays on your arrive or, you could take in the red closet in the living room. After use , please put all on the table in living room.
Air conditioning: please always switch off air conditioning when you go out, it’s not necessary to leave open. Cooling is very fast.
Heatting: you can manage eating from your room. If you need ask help to make it.
Lights: please always switch off lights in or outside in the terrace, if you do not need.
Mosquitos nets: be carful to mosquito nets.
The door: please close the entrance door always when you go out and when you come back home, with the big key.
Other people: is not admitted without registration.
Pets: are not admitted
Cancellation Policy
Payment during your stay,or in case of short stay,on your arrive.
It’s possible to pay with card only for more then 3 nights and only if you had not promotions or discount.
If you want to pay with card (if we where not agree in a different way) please ask it on reservation and agree on your arrive. It’s possible only for more then 3 days reservations, without discount (only some cards Visa, Master Card).
In case of cancellation (15 gg before your arrive ), nothing i’ll take from your card, or i’ll give you 60% that you send me without penalty.
In case of cancellation less between 15 and 7 days before your arrive, i’ll take 30%. (half of 60%).
In case of late cancellation, less then 7 days or no-show i’ll take 60%.
We will charge your card 15 days before your reservation (or avert with credit card only) and we will agree about that on reservation (banking account or credit card ).
In case you don’t cancel your reservation, i’ll take the room for you ’til 12 a.m. of the next day.
In case of one night reservation, the account is of the full rate, and in case of no-show or late cancellation, you will lose all the rate.
In case you want go away before ,you must say it when you reserve, or you will pay all the stay anyway.
It’s possible you will receive news-letters from us or from , our circuit of B&B. Please if you do not want receive these Nl, let us know when you accept this rule so we will cancel your mail from our mailing list.
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